Why Flossing is Essential for Your Oral Health
Just about every dental office in Utah will talk to you about the importance of flossing your teeth and will even show you how to floss your teeth. They are not telling you this information just for you to forget it, you must follow their advice or it can lead to tooth decay and painful cavities. If you would like to prevent cavities and gum diseases, floss your teeth daily.
Food will become lodged in between the teeth and a toothbrush will be unable to pull it out. When the food is stuck in between the teeth, it becomes the fuel for bacteria to flourish. Bacteria in the mouth will lead to tooth decay as it will eat away at the enamel of your teeth. Bacteria will also cause bad breath and can lead to gum diseases as it eats into the gums as well.
You need to have 2 cleanings from Jenson Dental in Brigham City each year in order to examine the teeth and to make sure that you are doing everything you can to prevent tooth decay. Gently floss in between the teeth and push the floss just below the gumline in order to pull the bacteria out of the gums that may start to attack the root of the tooth.
If you don’t floss and plaque is left in the mouth, it will harden into a substance known as tarter and it will stick to the tooth. Your dentist will need to use special tools in order to remove it from your teeth as it cannot be removed with a toothbrush. When gum disease begins to form in the mouth, it also leads to painful treatments. Root planning and scaling is commonly used to remove the bacteria that is growing beneath the gumline. Your Dentist will need to pull the gums away from the tooth and clean the dental pockets and then stitch the gums back into place.